The Diet Of The Grapefruit And The Citrus

“In this diet, it can be used grapefruit, orange or lemon; this is one of the commonest diets followed by lost of people and which is also recommended since it is simple and convenient; however it is necessary to pay attention not to lose nutrients. With this diet 5 kilos can be lost in 10 days, and this also means losing nutrients. The negative aspect lies in the fact that after losing so many kilos, the body can regain those lost kilos and even more and fast that the time it took you to lose them.”
Still waiting to hear back from Mr. Siegal. Was shocked to learn from Eric Schworsky, my weight management therapist, that the Siegal diet involves shakes and soups and not just cookies. Even so the Siegal Cookie Cart is a blast. I just wish it did come with doors because I fell out twice yesterday and had to have Chatto and Banroot, Gary and Eric put me back in.
Had brunch with Kevin Costner’s second cousin, Abel Costner, on Saturday, and we discussed the possibility of replacing Mandy Patinkin (cast to play Dagur in my Genghis Khan musical) with Doody Costner, the nephew of Abel’s 2nd ex-wife, Lorraine Costner. Mandy hasn’t been answering my phone calls. Will brunch with Doody this week. Otherwise, Jean-Claude Van Damme’s lawyer contacted me this morning with a potential lawsuit. His demands were the following: 1) remove references to Imjo from the website 2) remove references to Jean-Claude’s ex-wife’s brother from the website 3) remove Jean-Claude’s dance compilation from the website 4) make it clear to my readers that Jean-Claude is not a ‘fag’ (his words), he just looks good in tank tops.
Have taken all four into consideration.
Below, I’ve included verbatim ‘the diet of the grapefruit and the citrus’, which I more or less stuck to yesterday and the day before. Any additions or exceptions appear in quotations.
Yesterday's Meals
Grapefruit, (orange or lemon) two eggs (cooked to taste) and two pieces of bacon (6 points)
Grapefruit, (orange or lemon) salad seasoned to taste and as much meat as we want (12 points)
Grapefruit, (orange or lemon) salad prepared to taste with legumes, butter or species, meat fish, a cup of coffee or tea (10 points)
Night Snack:
A cup of skim milk, “and as much meat as we want” (3o points)
My weight: 423 lbs
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