More Movie News: I Am Genghis Khan

Just a note on a message I received yesterday from Don the Dragon. About eBay chi meters (or anything you order from eBay) you’re absolutely right, I wouldn’t trust them to work properly. I’ve got a great dealer in Tibet who is reliable and gives you a two-year money back guarantee. Can’t beat that. On the other hand, if you’re not ready to invest in a chi meter yet but want to measure your chi on a daily basis and, as you accurately point out, don’t want to ask friends, there is a formula (I’m sitting now; otherwise, I’d find it for you) roughly along the lines of: will power/body weight = chi. In other words, your chi is connected directly to your body weight, in that a man of my ambient girth would need a significantly higher will power to body weight ratio to get my chi circulating. Or you can just estimate. The great thing about my chi meter, though, is that it comes with a 60-day supply of spray-on chi. When I’m feeling low or lethargic or have eaten a particularly devastating main or auxiliary meal, the spray-on chi works miracles, and it comes in a variety of flavors. Hope that helps.
Finally, as many of you know, I’m on my way to the Swiss Alps tomorrow. Can’t wait to meet Dr. Rangou and Kelvins, my enema buddy, and the rest of the staff. And really can’t wait to have a first-class meal on Lufthansa! Will be there for five days and then Chatto and I will perform a selection of Irwin Levine’s Negro Spirituals and Field Hollers at a nearby Elderhostel lodge. Will inform you of my progress on Monday. Until then, yesterday’s meals.
Yesterday's Meals:
Deep fried pancakes, hold the pancakes (not as bad as it sounds, but rough going down. I was out of organic buckwheat anyway and hate eating pancakes from a box AND canola grease is a natural diuretic, 8 points)
Mid-Morning Snack
Arby’s Combo Meal (15 points)
5 Meatballs and 3 Meatballs (15 points)
Mid-Afternoon Snack
2 boxes Double-Stuffed Oreos (15 points, give or take 90 in either direction)
Assortment of homemade mayonnaise sandwiches (20 points)
After Dinner Snack
My patio
My weight: 401 lbs
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