As you all know, my weight is skyrocketing. For this reason I decided yesterday to remove the second refrigerator from my bedroom and eliminate midnight snacks from my diet entirely. Chatto agrees that if I’m serious about slimming down, and God knows I am, the midnight snack is now my greatest enemy. Chatto has also agreed to stand guard outside my bedroom door between the hours of midnight and three, and has been authorized to attack. But today’s best news is that the Knights of Fetishti in South Ossetia have invited me to give a martial arts demonstration at their annual founding day celebration! After my recent success in Moldova, I think it’s safe to say that a comeback is in the works. I’ll wrap up this entry by saying that with the exception of a mid-morning snack of leftover swordfish, I managed to stay clear of the refrigerator all day yesterday, and no midnight snack!
My Weight: 330 lbs??Labels: Chatto, Knights of Fetishti, portable refrigerator, South Ossetia
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