Orchid Pest

Was annoyed to see that both I and my panda have been banned from RVO's Orchid Talk Forum, orchid growing being one of my oldest hobbies. You tell me who's the 'abusive pest with a habit of instigating pointless conversations bearing no relation to the subject of orchid growing in the broadest sense.'
Steven Seagal: "Coming down to the line... 6 hours..... haven't cheated most of the day..... Even ate fresh fruit instead of pie yesterday..... Or will I break down and go for the pint of Cookies & Cream or Double Dutch Fudge?..............Oh dear."
Dan Lim: "Hang in there Steven, it's all about long lasting satisfaction with the orchids as opposed to an immediate one with the Double Dutch Fudge. Just picture yourself fiddling with a blooming size orchid, not eating its petals. And keep your hands off the processed foods!"
Anonymous: "Tubby."
Seagal: "Tubby?"
Anonymous: "Tubby tubby fatty tubby!"
Lim: "I think perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to say . . ."
Veedar: "He's always talking about food . . . Isn't this an orchid forum?"
Lim: "I just meant the double fudge analogy."
Oliphant Rex: "'Don't eat the petals, Steven?'"
Seagal: "I typically combine gardening with dieting, that's all. I would never eat my orchids."
Anonymous: "You suck, Seagal."
Lim: "Let's get back on track. I think the original subject was late-blooming tubers."
Anonymous: "You suck, Seagal."
Veedar: "He does suck."
Seagal: "Bitch, I didn't hear that!"
Anonymous: "You're a fat sack of shit and I could kick your ass with a bag of Cheetos."
Veedar: "If he didn't eat 'em first. . . "
Anonymous: "If he didn't eat me first . . ."
Seagal: "Just say it again . . ."
Anonymous: "That you're a fat tub of tubby shit?"
Seagal: "Jesus, why are you persecuting me?!?"
Veedar: "Ha ha ha ha...."
Anonymous: "Tubby."
My weight: 956 lbs.
My left buttock: 130 lbs.
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