Felt peaked yesterday afternoon. Had a visit from Doctor Baswabi: blood pressure, urine and stool samples. The doctor said my stools are ‘robust.' Shinjuku robe almost fit. Sank into an early afternoon torpor, watched Under Siege 2 with Chatto. Chatto fell asleep on the couch. I didn’t wake him to prepare lunch and so went without it. Chatto slept through mid-afternoon snack time and was still sleeping at dinner time; couldn’t access refrigerator without password. Called the Fisher & Paykel people, but it seems it’s company policy not to give out passwords. Stumped. Tumbled around on the mat in the Practice Room for an hour and threw my back out. My buttocks ache as I write. Practically nothing to eat since yesterday afternoon. Should I call Speakman?
Yesterday’s Meals
Fluffed egg whites (2 points)
Mid-Morning Snack
Marmite on wholegrain bread (3 points)
My Weight: 336 lbsLabels: buffet, Chatto, Jeff Speakman, Shinjuku robe, stools
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